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Hey fellas

Thanks for coming by

This website was total random idea that popped up

but this feels amazing!!


So, this run by two 14 year old girls

My name is AMY

And my name is CLARIS

We met each other on Polyvore and became instant friends then on.

 We do have different tastes but then there are some things that are common too

Like our love for Polyvore

Like being shy

Like loving this idea of a website

And lot more

This website is full on random stuff

For instance, we have our own journals (where we rant or ramble about our day. P.S. You must read it)

Fashion(sets we make on Polyvore. P.S. we do requests and tips too)

Blog (anything we find that you might love. P.S. You are free to collab with us or give us any ideas, just email it to us )

We make playlists too


Thanks for reading all this up till here

So given below are our accounts (please follow us and any message you send will not be left un-replied. Just give us time)

Polyvore - @bittersweet-teenagers



Email :


FYI: We will update the bio time to time

Hey fellas!!


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